Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Be Happy Day 1

I was watching a documentary the other day called "Happy". The documentary focused on finding what really made people happy. It was a pretty good movie, but I think I got all I needed in the first 10 minutes of the program. The rest of the hour was spent following people around the country who really didn't speak English so you just watched the words across the screen. After while that got old. One thing I did notice however was that most happy people didn't live in the U.S of A. Shocking right? Turns out most Americans spent all of their lives chasing things that don't really make us happy at all. Money, and Status. Studies show that 40% of our happiness is genetic, 50% is based on actual events that take place in our lives and only 10% has to do with race, where we live, how much we earn and how old we are.

 I sat there and pondered this for a second and said if everything I live for only accounts for 10% of my happiness then WHY in the world am I constantly chasing that which CAN'T make me happy. Thus my experiment was born!!!

We all have resolutions for the new year right? the typical, eat healthy, lose weight, be a better person type stuff. I decided that after watching the video I would personally make my resolution to BE HAPPY. You say aren't most people typically happy already? Uhh not in America lol..... I honestly had  roller coaster of a year in 2012, I left my stable 9-5 job with benefits to pursue a dream of working for myself. 3 months into it im not regretting it but its hard I will say. Besides that I realized that most of the year was spent doing absolutely nothing! Sure I did the typical hang with friends, take a trip or two but at the end of the day out of 365 days, about 80% was spent staring at facebook, reading some gossip blog, or watching some crazy reality t.v show. After looking back I had to say to myself no wonder you are unhappy you didn't DO anything!!!

Its funny how you think you're doing something only to realize you are just wasting time. I want to put an end to that today. Now this blog isn't about trying to conquer the world, or complete every single goal I made for 2013, that wouldn't necessarily make me happy. You see my goal is to focus on doing things intentionally and with purpose. It could be as simple as going ice skating downtown, or finishing a good book. The point is to DO something. You can't spent your days sitting behind a computer or smart phone watching what others do and then complain about why your life sucks. You actually have to CHANGE!!

My goal is to spend 2013 figuring out what things make me happy, now I am a Christian woman so please be aware that my ultimate happiness comes from Christ and not my situation. I have found out that though God is fully in control, I also have the power of choice and so Im going to make a choice to live on purpose.

Today was pretty amazing because I actually spent time serving a meal at a church to a group of homeless people. Its nothing like seeing others who don't have to remind you of what YOU DO have. Being there actually gave me great joy. I was so happy that I decided I would go back and volunteer tomorrow.

Join me on this journey to find out what it is that "Truly" Brings us Joy!

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